Bathinda Pin Code

Pin codes of Bathinda

Get pin code of Bathinda

Pin Code
Post Office
Region Chandigarh Region
Location Bareta, Bathinda
Country INDIA
State Punjab
Street Address Bahadurpur B.O, Bareta, Bathinda, Punjab, 151501
Post Office Code Bahadurpur B.O
Business Hours
Mode Of Payment Cash and Cheque
Taluka Bareta
District Bathinda
Office Type Branch Post Office
Circle Punjab
Division Bhatinda
Delivery? Delivery
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The pin code of Bareta, Bathinda, Punjab, IN is 151501. As per the first 2 digits of this Indian postal code, 151501 pin code belongs to post circle Punjab. Last 3 digits of the code are assigned to the Bahadurpur Branch Post Office. Bahadurpur B.O pin code officially comes under Bhatinda division, and Chandigarh Region region.

Pin Code
Post Office
Region Chandigarh Region
Location Bathinda, Bathinda
Country INDIA
State Punjab
Street Address Bajjoana B.O, Bathinda, Bathinda, Punjab, 151102
Post Office Code Bajjoana B.O
Business Hours
Mode Of Payment Cash and Cheque
Taluka Bathinda
District Bathinda
Office Type Branch Post Office
Circle Punjab
Division Bhatinda
Delivery? Delivery
More info

The pin code of Bathinda, Bathinda, Punjab, IN is 151102. As per the first 2 digits of this Indian postal code, 151102 pin code belongs to post circle Punjab. Last 3 digits of the code are assigned to the Bajjoana Branch Post Office. Bajjoana B.O pin code officially comes under Bhatinda division, and Chandigarh Region region.

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Find pin code details of Bathinda

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Bathinda Pin codes details are available in 18 Taluks / Tehsils-

>>Bareta >>Bathinda >>Bhagta Bhai >>Bhai Rupa >>Bhucho >>Bhucho Manda >>Bti >>Goniana Mandi >>Maur >>Maur Mandi >>NA >>Phul >>Rampura Phul >>Sangat >>T Sabo >>T Sabo >>T.Sabo >>Talwandi Sabo

Bathinda pin code list

You need to send a courier and you might not know the postal codes or zip codes of India and its various districts. In that case you can just search for Bathinda pin code list in pin number directory. It is essential to be aware of postal pin codes for many reasons like sending parcel to someone, delivery or online registration of any exam wherein you have to fill the postal address of your home. In this search tool box you can enter the district and get pin code details city wise for that district. The first three digits of postal code of India together indicate a sorting / revenue district.

Pin code search for Bathinda, Punjab?

Pin code search for Bathinda Punjab is much easier now. This pin code locator helps in providing service which narrow downs your search. One can simply select district, taluka and post office of region from the drop down list in the table alongside. It will also give the details of postal codes of the respective areas.

Get pin code of Bathinda

Get pin code of Bathinda by entering the district name in the pin code finder box of The zip code of India is numerical numbers that provide a unique identification to that particular district of the state. District wise pin code form one major part of Indian postal system. These postal index numbers help post man to deliver the letters and important mails to the destination address correctly and easily.
